Index for 2005
December 2005
How to start your own low cost airline - with ECA support
EBRD Caves in to Shell on Sakhalin
The OECD, the WTO and Agricultural Subsidies
Belgian ECA continues efforts to circumvent prohibition of Tanzania arms deal
How to start a low cost airline with ECA financial support
Bulgarian coal plant gets Hermes and Coface support
U.S. lifts export credit ban for Indonesian arms purchases
Scots demand control over aid budget share, is ECGD next?
Nauru's only air link grounded by U.S. Ex-Im Bank
Chinese ECA faces bad debts, poor risk assessments
EDC Global Capital Flows Report
What have dams got to do with peace? Conflict and the politics of infrastructure development
ECGD supports Filipino bridges to nowhere
New Secretary-General a major face-lift for OECD?
November 2005
Britain and Nigeria's half-hearted war on corruption
OECD Update
Sakhalin bribery offer
Indonesian navy buys Dutch ECA financed Corvettes
China offers US$900 M export credits to SCO
Coface to finance equipment for Indian dam Rs 450 crore (US$98.4 million)
Berne Union ECAs report 21% volume growth to US$788 billion
Russia signs US$200 million export credit deal with China's Sinosure
Large increase in Dutch ECA insured exports to Russia
Philippine Airlines to Buy ECA financed Airbus 320s
40% of French ODA is largely ECA/commercial debt cancellation
October 2005
OECD Export Credit News
IMF Report: Officially Supported Export Credits in a Changing World
WRI report: Diverging Paths: What Future for ECAs in Development Finance?
Chinese ECA acquires U.S. bicycle manufacturer
Waste incineration and renewable energy incentives
Amnesty: ECA funded Chad Cameroon pipeline violates human rights
Nigerian ECA debt is the subject of Paris Club negotiations on Oct. 18, 2005
Russian banks to form ECA
ECGD continues to review decision to fund Shell for Sakhalin project
Philippines looking to buy guns from Poland with export credit support
Friends of the Earth France publishes Senate ECA Workshop report
EIB and EBRD accept WCD standards for hydro power carbon credits
Unicorn ranks ECAs on bribery
September 2005
Dams and Renewable Energy Incentives Update:
Ex-Im Bank gives creditors a reprieve after Katrina
SEC Subpoenas Chicago Bridge On ECA funded Nigerian Work
Energy efficiency improvements at existing power plants are a more cost-effective way of increasing supply than building new plants
NGOs - effective because of public trust
EU and China Partnership on Climate Change includes ECAs
Connecting Nature, Power and Poverty FPIC for ECAs
NGOs issue statement condemning ECA debt write-off as aid
OECD Watch report evaluates OECD MNC Guidelines 5 years after their revision [PDF]
Groundbreaking global warming lawsuit to proceed
August 2005
Banks supporting Chinese ECA risk indirect contravention of standards
Australian and South African ECAs support Zambian copper mine
Some ECA clients get untied credit while renewable energies don't
Measuring the opportunity cost of ECA capital - i.e. ECGD export credit subsidies
Belgian NGOs list recommendations for Ducroire [PDF]
US Export-Import Bank promotes new renewable energy incentives
Sakhalin cost overruns reduce Shell assets
July 2005
Sudan: Update on the Merowe/ Hamadab Dam Project
Chad-Cameroon Pipeline: Ongoing Damages, Inadequate Compensation
Building a Profitable Airline is Not Easy, But ECAs Help
Ducroire (Belgium) Support for Tanzanian Arms Factory Denied Again
NGOs mobilize to stop Ilisu Dam (Again!)
Talking Export Credits at the European Commission
June 2005
BTC Pipeline Update
Sakhalin II Update
Independent Expert Raises Concerns About Dam Standards
US ExIm Backs Brazilian Oil Platform
US ExIm Backs Environmental Exports: Plans to Refit Dams
Cloud of Concern Surrounds China's Nuclear Boom
Dabhol Settlement Receives Another Blow
Law Suit Filed on Cancelled Tanzanian Water Project
Brazilian Oil Firm Inks Deal with JBIC
Air Transport Given USD $7.3B ECA Credit in 2003
Turkish Delegates Ask EU to Monitor Ilisu Dam
Climate Change Suit Against OPIC and US ExIm Advances
May 2005
OECD to Revise Anti-Bribery Statement
Canada's ECA Continues to Withhold Key Environmental Information
Sakhalin II Update:
Fifty Campaign Groups Protest World Bank Failures on Controversial BTC Oil Pipeline
Trade Minister Demands Strengthening of OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
NGOs Gravely Concerned About Subsidies to Drinking Water Projects (PDF)
French Representative Challenged on Nam Theun 2
British Energy Giant Starts Filling Oil into BTC Pipeline
OECD Participants in the Arrangement on Export Credits Refuse Better Terms for Local Costs
ECA Watch Launches Analysis of 2002 OECD ECA Data
NGOs Oppose Subsidies to Hydro as a Renewable Energy [PDF]
April 2005
Sakhalin Update:
Parliament May Launch Inquiry into French ECA COFACE
Greenpeace Disrupts Construction of JBIC-Supported Thai Coal Plant
Filipino Supreme Court Justice: Stop Paying Nuke Plant Debt
Debt Relief Under Fire: "Not Proper Aid"
British MPs Hit Bribery Rule Weakening
BP Covered Up BTC Pipeline Flaw
BTC Pipeline in New Human Rights Storm
Finnish ECA Finnvera Ruled Illegally Secretive
World Bank Board Approves Nam Theun 2 Dam; Plan Could Backfire
Brazil Challenges the OECD Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits
Wealthy Nations to Extend Renewable Energy Financing Terms for Large Dams