Index for 2006
December 2006
ECGD related fraud investigation closed in the UK
OECD ECAs renege on agreement to promote OECD MNC Guidelines
Switzerland and Germany agree to guarantees for controversial Ilisu Dam project
Record levels of business for export credit agencies in 2005
Exxon, Recipient of Worst EU Lobbying Award, receives Billions in ECA subsidies
IRN presents ECAs and the Environment paper to China Ex-Im President
Chinese ECAs and the Environment
Zambia copper mine secures $583,8m loan
Ence Finds New Site for Proposed ECA financed Uruguay Pulp Mill
US Congress bolsters export credit agency's small business efforts
Halifax Initiative Canadian Mining Map Poster Highlights Destructive Mines
November 2006
Belgian ECA concerned about reputational risk over Sakhalin II cover
Norway makes ground-breaking decision to cancel illegitimate ECA debt
Flying Low: The UK Export Credit Guarantee Department and Climate Change
OECD’s Gurría welcomes Stern Review into consequences of climate change
OECD negotiations on export credit environment standards break down
Russia wants to help Indonesia build first nuclear power plant
Russia says damages in Shell Sakhalin II project could amount to US$15 billion
In the light of the recent Stern report, can carbon offsetting really work?
International Rivers Network action guide for communities affected by dams
French court stops Goro Nickel construction
October 2006
OECD Export Credit Updates
Ilisu Dam update
Yusufeli Dam going ahead?
Belgian ECA's private insurance subsidiary questioned in European Parliament
Vietnam and Philippine Airlines expand fleets with ECA support
Russian arms exports and export credits
Chinese export credits and environmental impacts
African Trade Insurance Agency
AFRODAD workshop on ECAs and African debt in Cameroon
Rheebu Nuu files injunction in Paris to halt Goro Nickel construction
ECAs fund coal fired power in Botswana / South Africa
European Commission investigates French nuclear export credits
September 2006
ENCE announces withdrawal from ECA supported papermill investment in Uruguay
Armaris bids for four Bulgarian corvettes with Coface support
Flawed OECD reporting and analysis of HIPC transactions
Ex-Im increases subsidies for large aircraft
G7 to discourage China from expensive export debt
Swedish Export Credit Corp. sells $1 billion in five-year global notes
EBRD urged by WWF to not fund controversial Sakhalin project
Armenians welcome US Senate move to block Ex-Im subsidy for railroad bypass
Three European ECAs set to support Ilisu dam despite obvious failure to meet standards
August 2006
OECD Common Approaches Review Update
Atradius signs consulting agreement with Chinese ECA
Russia repays US$22 billion in ECA debt
New sensitive Category A projects announced by ECAs
Moscow puts legal pressure on Shell to halt Sakhalin pipeline
Turkish dam controversy tests government
Swedish SEK Lending is Reaching New Records
UK Serious Fraud Office investigates murky Nigerian oil deal with ECA support
OECD publishes latest Common Approaches procedures questionnaire results
Export-Import Bank of China to Offer Loans to Taiwanese Businesses
BP Alaska: What lessons for the Common Approaches?
July 2006
With easy nickel fading fast, INCO goes after the tough stuff at Goro Nickel
Changing markets for export credit agencies: China, private sector ECAs
Iran amongst the best UK export credit clients
Export Credit Agencies and Human Rights
Japan publishes complete projects list (Categories A, B and C)
Farnborough air show - 30% of sales ECA financed
ECAs and arms
BTC Pipeline Opens
First renewables loan for US Ex-Im
Atradius swaps Indonesia coverage for Viet Nam with Denmark's EKF
June 2006
G8 Warns Against Luring Poor States Into Debt Trap
Shanghai Cooperation Organization
ECAs and the Arms Trade
Indonesia buys Polish Skytrucks with export credit
China's controversial ECA backed Three Gorges dam comes onstream
Kanaks & environmentalists call for end to support for Goro Nickel in New Caledonia
Australia: Big brother, deputy sheriff or responsible neighbour?
ECA supported Bulgarian 670MW power plant project kicks off after 7-yr delay
US tapping export credit "war chest"
At 50, Is the Paris Club a Colonial Relic?
European Commission hosts ECA conference
May 2006
Civil society presses OECD on Common Approaches to the Environment
India looks to JIBC for lower monitoring requirements than World Bank
Ilusu dam update
Index of back issues - August 2005 - April 2006
Pulp Friction: Increasingly bitter dispute over pulp mills on Uruguay River
BTC pipeline terrorist alert
Sakhalin - Shell falsifies monitoring reports
Disagreements still remain on agricultural export credit competition
IFC Performance Standards: One Step Forward, One Step Back
Legal Obligations of ECAs With Respect to Human Rights
OECD approves new Action Statement on Bribery and Official Export Credits
April 2006
OECD publishes ECA statistical summary to 2004 [PDF]
JIBC publishes list of new category A, B and C projects
Merowe Dam displaced people's meeting attacked - three killed
Export Development Canada projects growing ECA competition for export sales
Sinosure to outfinance US Ex-Im Bank by 10 times by 2010
Nigeria gives China oil rights in exchange for investment and export credits
Finnvera to reappraise role in controversial pulp mill in Uruguay
NGO report on Sakhalin finds unwarranted & uncontainable reputational risks [PDF]
Chinese ECA to fund Mozambique dam which will exacerbate poverty, livelihoods
NGOs accuse EU countries of inflating aid figures with ECA debt cancellation [PDF]
March 2006
ECGD approves new/old anti-corruption policies
ECA Watch compares anti-bribery proposals (PDF)
Dam project brings Laos cash and controversy
IFC Standards approved
International experts intensify critique of Ilisu dam while regional resistance grows
Sinosure and Chinese export credits
Uruguayan pulp and paper complex faces legal battle and diplomatic pressures
U.S. Aerospace Industries back Ex-Im Bank charter extension
French ECA Coface expands it's international business
Berne Union members support 10% of US$10 Trillion in world trade in 2005 (PDF)
Italy's SACE lends to Vietnamese diesel plant
India establishes new export credit fund
February 2006
Update on negotiations for a new OECD Action Statement on Bribery & ECAs
Mexican coal fired power plant receives Japanese ECA support
Finnvera underwrites construction of world's largest cruise ship
Turkish Eximbank plans US$8.6 billion in loans and guarantees this year
Hermes forced to reveal greenhouse gas impacts
Ilisu EIA released - NGOs show new design to be seriously flawed (PDF)
Atradius-DSB refuses support for Setusamudram Shipping Channel Project (India)
Atradius-DSB Business is Booming
Consultants Warn Banks of Sakhalin II Environment Risks
Human rights and ECAs: the Uruguayan paper mills case (PDF)
January 2006
Common Approaches to the Environment & ECAs under Review in 2006
Peaceful Protest Disrupts Sakhalin II LNG Plant
Dutch Protests Threaten ECA-Supported Sale of Indonesian Navy Corvettes
Coface Lends US$100m to India for Dam
Japanese ECAs to be Restructured
World Bank Cuts Off Loans to Chad Over Abrogation of Pipeline Revenue Agreement
Russian Arms Exports and Export Credits
Garuda Faces ECA Creditors
EDC Reposesses Planes
Inuit Sue US Ex-Im Bank Over Greenhouse Gas Impacts
Sustainable Finance: Moving the Banking Sector from Promises to Performance
Mauritania oil consortium bypasses ECAs