Counter Current

CounterCurrent is a non-governmental initiative working for the observation of human rights and environmental protection by German actors in their activities abroad. It targets the German government as well as German banks and companies.

Created in 2008 to follow-up with the work formerly done by World Economy, Ecology & Development (WEED), the main focus of work have been the campaigns on the German Export Credit Guarantee Scheme (so-called “Hermes guarantees”) and on the Ilisu dam in Turkey.

Other projects CounterCurrent has worked on are the TKCSA steel factory in Brazil (a subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp), which received a Hermes guarantee, and the involvement of German insurers and exporters in the Belo Monte dam project, also in Brazil. In addition, CounterCurrent strives to raise awareness on the social, human rights and environmental impacts of dams. CounterCurrent’s legal sponsor is the Institute for Ecology and Action Anthropology (INFOE), a German non-governmental organization supporting indigenous peoples in their land and human rights struggles.


Contact Information:

Address:GegenStroemung – CounterCurrent
c/o Heike Drillisch
Siemensstr. 10
D- 14482 Potsdam

Tel: +49-(0)331 – 7048 211
