Finance & Trade Watch

Finance & Trade Watch (formerly ECA Watch Austria) was founded in the late 1990s as a platform of Austrian environmental and human rights organisations aiming for the reform of the Austrian export credit agency OeKB and was established as an independent environmental and human rights organisation in 2008.

Our organisation does advocacy work both at the national and international level towards achieving more transparency and better practises within the Austrian export credit system, as well as campaign work targeted at the prevention of highly destructive export projects. With these aims we work as an activist organisation in Austria and we support and collaborate with NGOs and citizens' initiatives in Southern countries. Our biggest campaign efforts in recent years concerned the Ilisu dam project in Turkey next to many other dodgy projects with the involvement of the Austrian government and Austrian companies or banks. 

Finance & Trade Watch also functions as a learning and advocacy platform for Austrian NGOs concerning more general issues of ethical finance as well as the financialisation of nature, such as food speculation, land grab, or the financialisation of ressource extraction.


Contact information


Address: Finance & Trade Watch
                 Verein für Bildung, Umwelt und Menschenrechte
                 c/o GLOBAL 2000 Umweltschutzorganisation
                 Neustiftgasse 36, 1070 Wien, Österreich


Phone: +43-(0)1-812 57 30 - 56

