End Coal Financing
Starting Monday, June 16, 2014 governments in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will meet to discuss financing through their Export Credit Agencies – public agencies that fund or guarantee private corporations from their home country to invest or export overseas. These governments have the opportunity to end Export Credit Agency financing for coal – a key part of the larger effort to end public financing for fossil fuels and high carbon projects. Between 2007 and 2013 national Export Credit Agencies from OECD countries provided at least $32 billion for coal projects abroad – over 60 percent of total public support for coal over this period! Civil society organizations around the world are coming together on Wednesday, June 11 to tell governments to #EndCoalFinance. Here's what you can do to help:
- Join the twitterstorm and tell OECD governments to support a ban on coal financing! Sample tweets are here.
- Read the joint NGO statement by 51 groups in 17 countries to end support for fossil fuels here.
- Check out World Wildlife Fund's infographic below or download it as a PDF.
General tweets:
- Time for @OECD to stop exporting #climate chaos. Say no to export credits and guarantees for #coal! #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- #Coal is not clean. @OECD @EU_Commission say no to export credits and guarantees for coal. #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- Coal won’t solve the poor’s energy access needs. Time to put a ban on export credits and guarantees for #coal in @OECD! #endcoalfinance
- Renewables are 15 times cleaner than the “cleanest” coal. Time to put an end to export credits and guarantees for #coal! #endcoalfinance
Country-specific tweets for France, Germany, Finland, Japan, and Korea: France:
- Time to stand up, @fhollande. Say no #coal finance & guarantees through export credit agencies @OECD! #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- .@montebourg: Lead @OECD on #climate. Ban export credit agency financing & guaranteeing for #coal! #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- .@LaurentFabius: Lead @OECD on #climate. Ban export credit agency financing and guaranteeing for #coal! #endcoalfinance
- Coal is NOT sustainable. @RoyalSegolene: end export credit agency finance & guarantees for #coal! #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- .@montebourg soyez leader à l’ @OECD sur le #climat. Stoppez les soutiens à l‘export au #charbon! #endcoalfinance http://ow.ly/xP59w
- Il est temps d’agir, @fhollande. Dites-non aux soutiens à l’export #charbon à l’@OECD! #endcoalfinance http://ow.ly/xP59w
- Soyez leader à l’@OCDE_francais - @coface, dites non aux soutiens à l’export du #charbon ! http://ow.ly/xP59w #endcoalfinance
- .@LaurentFabius soyez leader @OECD sur le #climat. Stoppez les soutiens à l‘export au #charbon! #endcoalfinance http://ow.ly/xP59w
- Le charbon n’est PAS durable.@RoyalSegolene: stoppez les soutiens à l‘export au #charbon! #endcoalfinance http://ow.ly/xP59w
Merkel @RegSprecher: Say no #coal finance & guarantees through export credit agencies @OECD! #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
Germany @RegSprecher: don’t export #climate change. Put a ban on export credits for #coal! #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
Merkel @RegSprecher: Sagen Sie Nein zu #Kohlefinanzierung und –verbürgung durch @OECD-Exportkreditagenturen! bit.ly/1l2rqRo
BReg, Export von #Klimawandel nicht mehr fördern.Stoppen Sie Exportkredite und –bürgschaften für #Kohle! @RegSprecher bit.ly/1l2rqRo
- .@Vapaavuori: stand up for a full ban on #coal export credits. Coal is never clean! #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- .@VilleNiinisto: Help lead @OECD away from exporting #climate chaos. Ban export credits for #coal! #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- Finland and @Vapaavuori: don’t export #climate change. Put a ban on export credits for #coal! #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- It’s time for PM @AbeShinzo to put an end export credits for #coal. Coal is never clean. #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- .@AbeShinzo, say no to dirty coal at home and abroad! Support a ban on #coal export credits. #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- The whole world’s watching. Will @AbeShinzo support a ban on export credits for dirty #coal? #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- It’s time for @mosfkorea to put an end export credits for #coal. Coal is never clean. #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs
- .@mosfkorea, say no to dirty coal at home and abroad! Support a ban on #coal export credits. #endcoalfinance bit.ly/1hJSyFs