Publications Index
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March 31, 2005 (Source: Finnish ECA Reform Campaign) — The Finnish Supreme Administrative Court has ruled that the Finnish ECA Finnvera must reveal environmental information about certain projects— information that was requested by the Finnish ECA Reform Campaign in February 2002.
ECAs: Finnvera
March 27, 2005 (The Observer, UK, via Ecofinancas) — BP is facing renewed criticism of its involvement in the BTC pipeline after campaigners made fresh claims of human rights abuses relating to the controversial project. The pipeline has been dogged by claims of environmental damage and heavy-... more
April 17, 2005 (The Sunday Times, UK) — British Petroleum faces accusations in court from pipeline contractors that it covered up a safety flaw, which if uncorrected could cause an environmental disaster in the Caspian region. BP is the leading shareholder and operator of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (... more
April 5, 2005 (Financial Times, UK) — An MP inquiry has attacked the government for ceding to industry pressure by agreeing to an "unacceptable" weakening of anti-bribery rules. Ministers were yesterday criticised by the Commons trade and industry committee for sanctioning changes to the anti-... more
April 12, 2005 (Financial Times, UK)—According to a recent editorial in the Financial Times (FT), governments that lend money for commercial purposes, such as with export credits, should expect to be treated more like commercial entities. However, debt relief granted to Iraq, among other nations,... more
April 20, 2005 (, Philippines) — The Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, once backed by the ECA US Ex-Im, is now under fire by a Filipino Supreme Court Justice who is urging the government to stop payments for loans that the late President Marcos borrowed to build the now-mothballed plant. The... more
April 21, 2005 (Source: Greenpeace SouthEast Asia) — Greenpeace disrupted the construction of the BLCP coal power plant, which is backed by the Japanese ECA JBIC, demanding that the project be stopped immediately. Activists from Thailand, Philippines and Germany occupied the main crane of the coal... more
March 30, 2005 (Source: ECA Watch) — Three French Parliamentarians have requested an official inquiry into the activities of the French ECA COFACE in connection with overseas development assistance (ODA)— an increasingly important issue in France, as COFACE debt cancellation should reach 15% of the... more
The Sakhalin II project is seeking up to USD $5B from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) of the US, UK and Japan.
A. Sakhalin Oil... more
A. Sakhalin Oil... more
April 18, 2005 (The Guardian, UK) — In a move condemned by environmentalists, the wealthy member nations of the OECD want to extend ECA financing terms for renewable energy to large dams. The new export credit guidelines improve financing terms for renewable energy projects, but the European... more
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Country: France
Issue: Common Approaches, OECD, Renewables
Member: Les Amis de la Terre
ECA-Watch discussion paper on ECA reform in favour of renewable energy export projects, written by Jörg Mühlenhoff, Friends of the Earth France, June 2004
External reports and publications
Issue: Oil, Gas and Mining
(November 1, 2003) Briefing from Friends of the Earth on the Sapon copper mine in Laos which is seeking funding from the European Investment Bank
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Common Approaches, OECD, Renewables
An Assessment of Sustainable Development Achievements of ECA supported projects Two Years After OECD...
Letters & statements
Issue: Common Approaches, OECD
Member: FERN
(June 1, 2003) Press Release - NGOs propose detailed revisions to the OECD recommendations to establish "common approaches" to environmental and social guidelines for ECAs
Letters & statements
Issue: Corruption
Member: FERN
Two press releases from June 2006, on the European Parliament examination of corruption in te Lesotho Highlands Water Project, with EU financial backing. Also one background brieifng from 2002 aimed at explaining the case to MEPs.