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Sept.5, 2005 (iSNet) The EU and China agreed on a Partnership on Climate Change as one of the major outcomes of the China-EU Summit. The Partnership will strengthen cooperation and dialogue on climate change and energy between the EU and China. These efforts will be strengthened through the... more
Op-ed by Peter Bosshard, International Rivers Network, The International Journal of Hydropower & Dams, Issue 3/2005: Bashing non-governmental organizations has become popular, but the stereotype of rich dogmatic NGOs does not explain... more
August 25, 2005 (China Development Brief) A recent Asian Development Bank research report shows that energy efficiency improvements at existing power plants are a more cost-effective way of increasing supply than building new plants.
August 22, 2005 (Reuters) The SEC is investigating payments made by a construction consortium led by Halliburton Co. to determine whether any Nigerian officials were bribed to win the Bonny Island LNG contract which received extensive support from Ex-Im Bank, ECGD and other European ECAs
Sept.2, 2005 (Washington/PRNewswire) The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) today announced relief provisions for exporters and financial institutions located in those portions of Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama that have been declared federal disaster areas by the Federal... more
Issue: Large Dams
The OECD is facilitating negotiations to include hydropower under subsidies for renewable energy projects approved in April 2005. The documents linked below present NGO concerns with this development.
August 25, 2005 (Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace) A federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ruled yesterday against the Bush Administration and allowed a groundbreaking global warming lawsuit to proceed. The landmark decision is the first time that a... more
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
ECAs: UK Export Finance (UKEF)
Issue: Corruption
Member: FERN
(August 19, 2005) The UK's export credit agency, the ECGD, recently made the headlines after watering down its anti-bribery rules. Sadly, the lack of tough rules to stamp out corruption and bribery is characteristiic of most European ECAs.
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Large Dams, OECD
Member: Corner House, FERN
(August 29, 2005) Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) have a long history of granting support for large dams in the South - often at great costs for the poorest sectors of society. The world’s most powerful ECAs have negotiated a special agreement within the OECD which will give dam...
July 11, 2005 (Source: US Ex-Im Bank) — The US Ex-Im Bank is now offering export financing on repayment terms of up to 15 years for US exports of goods and services to be used in certain renewable energy and water projects. Effective as of July 1, the longer repayment terms are available in accord... more
August 12 , 2005 (Source: Proyecto Gato) — Six Belgian NGOs have issued a statement calling on Ducroire to improve its policies with respect to the OECD Recommendation on... more
ECAs: Ducroire/ Nationale Delcrederedienst
Issue: Common Approaches, Corruption, Debt, Human Rights, Renewables, Transparency
March 16, 2005 (Source: UK Secretary of State for Trade and Industry) — As a part of its efforts to encourage true "break even" terms of export credits, as required by Article 23 of the OECD mediated...
August 2005 (ECA Watch, Paris) — Participants in the OECD mediated Arrangement on Export Credits [PDF] refused to approve an increase of local cost... more