(Business Korea, Seoul, 23 December 2019) The Korea Export-Import Bank announced on Dec. 22 that it will provide US$375 million in loans to Daewoo Engineering & Construction’s LNG plant project in Nigeria. For the first time as a Korean company, Daewoo E&C won the LNG plant as a prime...
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(Hellenic Shipping News, Cyprus, 17 December 2019) LNG carrier GasLog Ltd. announced that it has signed an Export Credit Agency-backed debt financing of $1.05 billion with twelve international banks for its current newbuilding programme (the “Newbuild Facility”). The Newbuild Facility covers...
more(Gulf Today, Dubai, 16 December 2019) UAE and Egypt have agreed to strengthen trade relations and boost bilateral exports between the two countries through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI), the UAE Federal Export Credit company and the Export...
more(Global Trade Review, London, 11 December 2019) Global insurer Chubb has made a US$10mn equity investment in the African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI), becoming the first global property and casualty insurer to invest in the multilateral political risk and credit insurance agency. ATI supports...
more(Global Trade Review, London, 11 December 2019) The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) has signed off on a new US$600mn export credit risk company in a bid to bolster Egypt’s intra-Africa trade links. The new company, which will be based out of Cairo, will seek to help Egyptian companies win contracts...
more(Zdnet, York PA, 26 December 2019) Huawei Technologies has lashed out at a Wall Street Journal report that suggests the tech giant's success is fuelled by billions of dollars in financial support from the Chinese government, arguing that its ties are no different from any other "private company...
more(The Daily Star, Dhaka, 2 December 2019) The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) has arranged USD1.3 billion financing for Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) to set up its Ghorasal Potash Urea Fertilizer Project (GPUFP). This is the largest financing backed by an...
more(Unfriend Coal, London, 2 December 2019) The number of insurers withdrawing cover for coal has more than doubled in 2019 as the industry’s retreat from the sector accelerates and spreads beyond Europe, the Unfriend Coal campaign reveals today in its third annual scorecard on insurance, coal and...
more(Space News, Washington, 21 December 2019) The year-end spending package President Trump signed into law late December 20 includes a 7 year re-authorization for EXIM, a lending agency that has been largely sidelined as a source of cheap financing for U.S. satellite deals since Congress let Ex-...
more(ECA Watch, Ottawa, 30 December 2019) The Swedish government has presented a climate policy action plan with 132 measures to the Riksdag "taking a holistic approach...
more(Bloomberg, Riyadh, 11 December 2019) Saudi Arabia may tap international debt markets as early as next month as it seeks funding to help bridge its widening budget deficit. In addition to selling bonds the debt office is also looking at alternative options including export credit agency...
more(European Parliament, Brussels, 28 November 2019) The European Parliament resolution of 28 November 2019 on the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid stresses that the EU’s budget should be consistent with its international commitments on sustainable development and its mid- and long-term...
more(Greek City Times, Sydney, 27 November 2019) The European Commission on Tuesday announced its decision to return Greece to the list of “marketable risk” countries for short-term export credit insurance, following the successful completion of its fiscal adjustment program in August 2018 and the...
more(Hydrocarbons Technology, London, 27 November 2019) The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a $400m loan to support construction of the integrated liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant and liquefaction facility in Mozambique. The Mozambique LNG Area 1 Project is led by the French...
more(Sum Of Us, Paris, 7 November 2019) - A report published today by L'Observatoire des armements and SumOfUs in collaboration with Les Amis de la Terre France, documents the militarisation of Total's activities in Yemen since the 1980s. Open sources and witness testimony reveal that Total’s gas...