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(Finnvera, Helsinki, 23 Feb. 2007) In November 2006, the International Finance Corporation and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency boards approved a $170 million investment by IFC and a guarantee of up to $350 million from MIGA for the Orion pulp mill project in Uruguay. Finnvera has now... more
ECAs: Finnvera
Issue: Pulp and Paper
(Finnish News Agency, Helsinki, 28 April 2006) Topi Vesteri, the vice chief executive of Finnvera, the Finnish export credit guarantee body, was quoted as saying in the Friday issue of business daily Kauppalehti that it would have to reappraise its role in the mill being built by pulp maker... more
ECAs: Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación, Finnvera
Issue: Pulp and Paper
(IPS, Santiago, 11 March 2006) As tensions between the governments of Argentina and Uruguay over two pulp mills on a river dividing the countries appear to be abating, local residents and activists continue to demand a halt to both projects. The Argentinian... more
ECAs: Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación, Finnvera
Issue: OECD, Pulp and Paper
(CEDHA, Argentina, 23 Jan. 2006) Nearly 40 000 Argentine citizens have petitioned the Inter American Commission on Human Rights, alleging that the Uruguayan government has allowed serious breaches of human rights caused by two pulp mills. The largest of the mills is sponsored by three Finnish pulp... more
Country: Argentina, Uruguay
ECAs: Finnvera
Issue: Human Rights, Pulp and Paper
(Reuters, Oslo/Helsinki, 6 Feb. 2006) Norwegian shipbuilder Aker Yards has won the biggest ever commercial ship order, clinching a 900 million euros ($1.1 billion) order from U.S.-Norwegian Royal Caribbean Cruises for a huge new cruise ship to be built in Aker's Turku yard in Finland. The deal... more
ECAs: Finnvera
External reports and publications
ECAs: Finnvera
Issue: Pulp and Paper
(23 Jan 2006) Briefing note from...
March 31, 2005 (Source: Finnish ECA Reform Campaign) — The Finnish Supreme Administrative Court has ruled that the Finnish ECA Finnvera must reveal environmental information about certain projects— information that was requested by the Finnish ECA Reform Campaign in February 2002.
ECAs: Finnvera