(June 29, 2011) A press release from ECA-Wach, Amnesty International and Eurodad. It welcomes EU permanent representatives' endorsement of the European...
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Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Country: Belgium
Issue: Human Rights, Transparency
Member: Both ENDS, Corner House, Counter Current, Finance & Trade Watch, Euronatura, FERN, Friends of the Earth Japan, Above Ground, Les Amis de la Terre, Observatory on Debt in Globalization, , Re:Common, urgewald
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Climate Change, Oil, Gas and Mining, Renewables
Member: Both ENDS, Corner House, Counter Current, Finance & Trade Watch, Euronatura, FERN, Friends of the Earth Japan, Above Ground, Les Amis de la Terre, Observatory on Debt in Globalization, , Re:Common, urgewald
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
(2010) This paper from Christine Eberlein (Berne Declaration...
Dodgy Deal: Ilisu Dam
ECAs: Euler Hermes Deutschland AG, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
Issue: Large Dams
Member: Counter Current, Finance & Trade Watch
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
(September 28, 2007) A submission prepared in cooperation with members of the Ilisu Dam Campaign as a response to conditions published by financing export credit agencies. The report demonstrates that the project approval process for the Ilisu Dam was in breach of World Bank...
more Dodgy Deal: Ilisu Dam
Issue: Large Dams
Member: Both ENDS, Corner House, FERN