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Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Climate Change, Oil, Gas and Mining, Pulp and Paper
Member: FERN
Country: France
Issue: Oil, Gas and Mining
CVRD Inco Goro nickel project faces continuing opposition
By: Lawrence Williams
Posted: '21-FEB-07 09:15' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2006
External reports and publications
Issue: Oil, Gas and Mining
(November 1, 2003) Briefing from Friends of the Earth on the Sapon copper mine in Laos which is seeking funding from the European Investment Bank
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Climate Change, Oil, Gas and Mining, Renewables
Member: FERN
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
(January 1, 2003) FERN briefing note written by Korinna Horta of Environmental Defense
Dodgy Deal: Baku-T’bilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline (BTC pipeline)
Issue: Oil, Gas and Mining
Member: FERN
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Arms Trade, Climate Change, Debt, Human Rights, Large Dams, Oil, Gas and Mining, Transparency
Member: Corner House
(30 June 1999) This report from Nicholas Hildyard of Cornerhouse examines export credit agencies, corporate welfare and policy incoherence.
Summary: Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) are publicly-backed government agencies that give financial guarantees to...