(Urgewald, Sassenberg, 21 September 2020) In its recently released report on Greening Equity Investments in Financial Institutions the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, announced it has adopted Urgewald’s Global...
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(Lexology, London, 25 September 2020) The Equator Principles have been one of the principal frameworks for managing sustainability and ESG risk in projects by financial institutions since 2003. The latest update – known as EP4 – renews the focus on human rights and climate change with effect...
more(Global Trading Magazine, Dallas, 25 September 2020) At the Sept. 9 end of the two-day 2020 G12 Heads of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) meeting, which EXIM Bank hosted virtually from its Washington, D.C. headquarters, the 12 Heads of ECAs issued its first-ever G12 joint statement. ECAs involved...
more(ECA Watch members, 10 August 2020) This 9 page report finds that while ECA responses to COVID-19 are still quickly evolving, it’s now clear that these institutions are:
- Providing more favorable financing terms;
- Expanding the geographic scope of the projects and companies...
(Common Dreams, Portland, 6 July 2020) In an open letter to Emmanuel Macron and Rémy Rioux Common Dreams notes that France is embarking on an important diplomatic effort this November, bringing together 450 global development banks that control $2 trillion in public money. The objective? For...
more(TXF News, New York, 16 July 2020) The US administration [and corporate media] has drastically upped the ante in its economic war against China with its actions against Huawei. At the same time, US Exim has been charged to not only promote US exports and jobs but also counter Chinese...
more(Open Democracy, London, 28 July 2020) After a Danish-funded mine caused serious environmental damage in Armenia, the Danish state has been less than forthcoming on failed due diligence, transparency and compensation. As a result of the Danish-funded mine construction, the Teghut mine caused...
more(ECA-Watch, Amsterdam, 29 June 2020) As part of continued advocacy with the European institutions on Export Credit Agencies (ECAs), European groups are working to enhance the reporting requirements of the EU ECAs under EU...
more(Oil Change International, Washington, 22 April 2020) This briefing outlines why continuing to rely on fossil fuels, in particular oil and gas, is not compatible with long-term recovery. Governments now face a choice: fund a just transition away from fossil fuels that protects workers,...
more(Global Trade Review, London, 28 May 2020) The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has warned that as much as US$2 to 5 trillion of trade credit will be needed to return trade volumes back to 2019 levels in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis in order to enable volumes and demand return to the...
more(ECA Watch, Ottawa, 30 May 2020) This month's news is dominated by vast amounts of export credit funding approved to shore up companies facing an international collapse of consumption, production and trade resulting from the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic. How much government support is going to...
more(CIS University of Zurich, 2 April 2020) ECAs are a hitherto under-researched contributor to lock-in of fossil fuel infrastructure. This study reviews external policies and standards as well as internal policies and commitments that may affect ECAs’ portfolios – ...
more(Reuters, Washington, 11 February 2020) World Bank President David Malpass on Monday chided other development banks for lending too quickly to heavily indebted countries, saying that some of them were helping worsen already-challenging debt situations. Malpass said at a World Bank-IMF debt...
moreTranslation of the original piece in Dutch found at the above link.
Opinion | Daniëlle Hirsch is director of Both ENDS
This week it came to light in the Dutch newspapers FD...
more(Guardian, Luanda, 20 January 2020) Until the summer of 2013, Areia Branca, a fishing village just outside Luanda, the capital of Angola, was home to a thriving fishing community of 3,000 families. Now there is no trace of their houses, only sand, a pile of gravel, egrets, a bulldozer and a...