Click below to download the full text of the 18 page ECA Watch gap analysis.
Click below to download the full text of the 18 page ECA Watch gap analysis.
The full publication of this new 136 page report is available here.
Between 2015 and 2017, Finance & Trade Watch and Bankwatch, together with their national partners, researched...
ECA Watch members Halifax Initiative, Both Ends and CounterCurrent, together with Brazilian organisation Forum Suape and Colombian organisation Movimiento Rios Vivos, published a new report entitled Export Credt and Human Rights: Failure to Protect. The report calls on states to...
more18 November 2014
This week in Paris, a secretive body within the OECD will discuss the potential revision of the “gentlemen’s agreement” (1) under which they provide billions of dollars of public financing into the fossil fuel sector through their member export credit agencies.
moreECA Watch in cooperation with the WWF European Policy Office and other European and global NGOs, has written a letter to Finance Ministries and Export Credit Agencies to move those public institutions away from coal financing and subsidies in the...
11 June 2014
International NGOs Call on Governments to #EndCoalFinance
On Monday, June 16 the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)’s Export Credit Group will meet to discuss...
moreIn May 2014, more than 50 NGO have endorsed common recommendations provided by the briefing 'Ending Fossil Fuel Support: the way forward' (to be downloaded on the bottom of this page). This briefing was developed by ECA Watch members in close collaboration with other international and regional...
moreLetter from ECA Watch to members of the OECD's ECG, November 8, 2011.
Among other issues, ECA Watch responds to text concerning human rights in the latest draft revision of the Common Approaches.
(November 7, 2007) Memorandum of FERN and ECA-Watch Concerning the OECD Export Credit Group's Lack of Coherence with OECD Goals and Objectives and Other Major Problems
(May 31, 2007) A joint ECA-Watch/FERN press release: On 23-24 April 2007, the OECD's Export Credit Working Group (ECG) appears set to approve revised and weakened environmental and social standards governing projects supported by export credit guarantees or loans of greater...
A Trojan Horse for large dams is a report prepared for ECA...