103 Canadian CSOs call for elimination of fossil fuel subsidies through a robust assessment framework

(Environmental Defence, Ottawa, 15 April 2023) In a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau, a broad range of Canadian organizations note that it has been over a decade since Canada first committed to ending inefficient fossil fuel  subsidies. Instead of fulfilling this promise, the Government of Canada has continued to  provide billions of dollars to oil and gas companies year after year. Now, the federal government has a critical opportunity to correct its track record and become a global leader in its efforts to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies. Noting the much-anticipated Assessment Framework for Fossil Fuel Subsidies has the potential to set an example for the rest of the world – if the framework delivers the highest possible ambition. Conversely, a weak framework could damage Canada’s credibility in international fora and set a dangerous precedent for other countries. Canada should use the World Trade Organization Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Article 1.1 definition of subsidies to ensure all relevant measures are captured in the review. The definition of subsidy used must ensure that all tax and non-tax measures that benefit fossil fuel producers are captured in the review. Canada spent $18B on financial supports for the fossil fuel industry last year.
