Brazil Freezes ECA Credit After Defaults From Cuba & Venezuela

(Folha de Sao Paulo, Brasilia, 26 December 2018) After Mozambique, Venezuela, and Cuba defaulting, the Brazilian government froze credit lines for new exports, a measure that will affect mostly small and medium-sized businesses. The Brazilian Treasury Department will spend US$ 6 million (R$ 23,4 million) to reimburse BNDES (National Bank For Economic and Social Development) for Cuba's default. Following Venezuela and Mozambique, the Cuban government defaulted on its payments to BNDES, in a credit line insured by the Treasury in the case of nonpayment. The amount is from an installment due in July, which Cuba paid partially. The Cubans paid US$ 4 million (RS 15.6 million) from the US$ 10 million (R$ 39 million) that were due. During the Lula and Rousseff administrations, the countries mentioned above hired large Brazilian contractors for infrastructure works such as the modernization of the Mariel Port in Cuba, performed by Odebrecht. The foreign governments also bought buses, industrial goods and foodstuffs using the credit line.
