Brussels Seminar December 4: Transparency and due diligence at Europe’s ECAs

(CEE Bankwatch Network, Prague, 22 November 2017) In 2015-2017 Finance & Trade Watch and CEE Bankwatch Network together with its national partners researched export credit agencies (ECAs) in seven countries of the European Union (Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia). The results of this research will be presented at a seminar in Brussels on December 4, 2017 at the Leopold Hotel  19:00 - 20:30 followed by a reception.

  • Opening remarks by Heidi Hautala, vice President of the European Parliament
  • Remarks on the position of European Parliament by Anna Záborská, Member of the EP Development Committee
  • Reflections on the issues of EU Member states ECAs by Silvia Gavorníková, EXIMBANKA Slovakia
  • Introduction of the research project by Thomas Wenidoppler, Finance and Trade Watch
  • Issues and Recommendations related to Transparency and Due Diligence of ECAs by Dana Mareková, CEE Bankwatch Network

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