Dutch ECA faces examination of alleged OECD guidelines violation
(Both ENDS, Amsterdam, 17 December 2015) On 8 June 2015 Both ENDS – in conjunction with and on behalf of Associação Fórum Suape Espaço Socioambiental, Conectas Direitos Humanos and Colônia de Pescadores do Município do Cabo de Santo Agostinho – notified the Dutch National Contact Point of a specific instance concerning an alleged violation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises by Atradius Dutch State Business (ADSB) relating to the provision of export credit insurance on behalf of and for the account of the Dutch State with respect to dredging projects by the Dutch company Van Oord for the Suape Industrial Port Complex in Suape, Pernambuco, Brazil. Both ENDS’ notification states ‘In violation of its own corporate social responsibility, ADSB failed to ensure effective monitoring of the projects’ impacts. This behaviour, among other factors, resulted in a failure to consult with the affected people and communities, a loss of traditional ways of life, as well as severe damage to biodiversity and ecosystems." Local people were forcefully resettled without appropriate compensation, and several families now live in deep poverty due to the loss of their traditional livelihoods.