The ECA fossil elephant in the Dutch room

(Both Ends, Amsterdam, 17 November 2019) This report shows that the Dutch Export Credit Agency ADSB insured fossil fuel-related projects with a total insured value of € 10.8 billion in the period 2012-2018. This is more than 60% of its total insured value for that period and € 1.5 billion a year on average. The policy incoherence  thus created by the Dutch government nullifies the Dutch contributions to international climate ambitions. The Dutch government indicates that it will end all financial support to coal projects and exploration and development of new oil and gas fields abroad from its foreign trade and development cooperation instruments as of 2020. Unfortunately, this commitment is not applied to the export credit facility, which supports the by far largest volume of fossil fuel related business transactions abroad. By not applying the same principles to its public export credit support, the Dutch government undermines its own foreign climate ambitions. This report calls upon the Dutch government to align the policies of its Export Credit Agency  with the Paris climate goals. Furhtermore, it provides suggestions for possible ways to go about it.
