ECA Market Set for Explosive Growth | Coface, Zurich, Euler Hermes, Sinosure, Atradius

(Digital Journal, New Jersey, 17 January 2022) A new intelligence report released by HTF MI with the title “Credit Insurance Market Survey & Outlook” is designed covering micro level of analysis by Insurers and key business segments, offerings and sales channels. Some of the key players profiled in the study are Euler Hermes, Sinosure, Atradius, Coface, Zurich, Credendo Group, QBE Insurance & Cesce. The global Credit Insurance market was valued at US$12,610 million in 2021 and is projected to reach US$14,500 million by 2028. This study mainly helps understand which market segments or Country; Insurance carriers, Aggregators should focus in years to come to channelize their efforts and investments in Credit Insurance to maximize growth and profitability. [The cost of this report is not advertised and my efforts to access an advertised summary were blocked.]
