ECAs and Coal in Turkey’s Energy and Climate Policies

(Sabanci University, Istanbul, Novermber 2015) A November 2015 report from the Sabancı University Istanbul Policy Center recently translated to English addresses the current status of coal in Turkey as an energy and greenhouse gas source, its impacts on health, the association between increasing the share of coal in electricity generation and climate and economic policies, and the discussions on “clean coal.” The share of coal, oil, and gas in Turkey’s primary energy supply was 88% in 2013. Almost more than 70% of electricity is produced from fossil fuels. Total installed capacity is 71 GW, 20.5% of this coming from coal-fired power plants. The installed capacity of coal-fired power plants has increased by 77% when compared to 2004. According to a September 2015 Oil Change International report on The Cost of Subsidizing Fossil Fuel Production In Turkey, "most of the US$1.5 billion of international public finance going to coal in Turkey came from ECAs, specifically OECD export credit agencies. (p.12)
