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(Washington Post, 22 April 2006) Statistics on Chinese foreign assistance are patchy, but James A. Harmon, a former head of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, estimates that China's export credit agencies will finance about $160 billion worth of exports by 2010, some 10 times the volume financed by its U... more
(EDC, Ottawa, 25 April 2006) An EDC report addresses the latest global export conditions, including perspectives on interest rates, exchange rates, as well as export strategies to help Canadian companies minimize risk. "In addition to the global dominoes tumbling into one another, there is a more... more
(Sudan Tribune, Khartoum, 22 April 2006) Three people were killed and more than fifty wounded in an attack carried out on a community meeting of people to be displaced by the Merowe Dam currently under construction in the Sudan. The dam is financed by the China Exim Bank and different Arab Funds,... more
(JIBC, Tokyo, 27 April 2006) Japanese ECA JIBC publishes a list of projects for which it has environmental impact statements and, unlike most other OECD based ECAs, also publishes a list of Category A, B and C projects.
(OECD, Paris, 11 April 2006) The OECD's Export Credit Working Group secretariat has published summary data on ECA activities from 1998 to 2004. The OECD has only published this data in PDF format but ECA Watch has converted it into a spreadsheet to permit a broader analysis of the statistics. A... more
(Reuters, Brussels, 3 April 2006) European Union countries are inflating their aid figures by a third, a coalition of non-governmental organisations said on Monday, urging the 25-nation bloc to provide more cash and give genuine data. "It is largely export credit debt, which was issued primarily as... more
(Business Standard, New Delhi, 18 February 2006) From March, Indian exporters will get insurance coverage for long-term exports similar to those of their counterparts in the US, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France and Germany. The commerce ministry has moved to create a national export insurance... more
(Nhan Dan, Hanoi, 17 February 2006) Construction of the biggest diesel engine manufacturing factory in Vietnam was kicked off on February 16 at the An Hong Industrial Zone in the northern port city of Haiphong. Total investment for the factory is put at VND 500 billion (US$31.4 million). Of which... more
(Berne Union, London, March 2006) The Berne Union, an association of private, OECD and non-OECD public ECAs announced that they collectively supported some 10% of world trade in 2005.
(BestWire Services, Norwalk CT, 16 February 2006) With new offices in Australia and Israel, Coface now has US$1.38 billion in turnover worldwide, of which only US$56 million is on behalf of the Government of France as an official OECD ECA. Other news stories note competition between Coface and... more
(PRNewswire, Arlington, 8 March 2006) Calling the Export-Import Bank a "prudent investment in a dynamic world," Aerospace Industries Association President and CEO John Douglass endorsed legislation reauthorizing the bank in a statement to the Senate International Trade and Finance Subcommittee. The... more
(IPS, Santiago, 11 March 2006) As tensions between the governments of Argentina and Uruguay over two pulp mills on a river dividing the countries appear to be abating, local residents and activists continue to demand a halt to both projects. The Argentinian... more
ECAs: Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación, Finnvera
Issue: OECD, Pulp and Paper
(China Economic Net, Beijing, 9 March 2006) From 2004 to 2005, China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, also known as Sinosure, covered US$34.4 billion in terms of insured amount, with business doubing on a year-on-year basis for two successive years. Coordinating actively with national... more
(WEED, Berlin, March 2006) A recent symposium organised by the Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive in Turkey in February 2006 brought together experts on hydrology, archaeology, resettlement, irrigation, culture, tourism,... more
(IFC, Washington, 6 March 2006) ECAs participating in the 2006 revision of the OECD Common Approaches environment policy should warily eye the International Finance Corporation's recently approved Performance Standards. Warning that the IFC's overhaul of its social and environmental standards... more
Issue: Common Approaches