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(Business Law News, New Zealand, 10 January 2006) Hardman Resources, an independent Australian oil exploration firm, has secured a US$100m seven-year financing to fund its share of the US$500m development costs of the offshore Chinguetti oil field in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. Without any... more
(BankTrack, Utrecht, 26 January 2006) As the OECD reviews its environmental standards for ECAs in 2006, a new study released by BankTrack and WWF at the World Economic Forum in Davos highlights many of the best practices that NGOs believe should be considered by project finance entities. The study... more
(BBC, London, 8 December, 2005) The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) has filed a petition for the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC), that blames the US for failing to control its greenhouse gas emissions, which has been impacting the livelihood of the Inuit by destroying their... more
(Reuters, Ottawa, 5 January 2006) Two US airlines are returning 42 regional jets to Canada's export lending agency EDC, which guaranteed the sale of the 50-seat Bombardier aircraft, an agency spokesman said on January 5, 2006. Air transport, at 35-40% of total ECA portfolios, is the largest sector... more
(Flight International, Surrey, 23 January 2006) The total debt of Garuda, Indonesia's national airline, stands at US$826.5 million, more than US$500 million of which is owed to European export credit agencies, forcing it to default on principal payments at the end of December 2005.
(International Herald Tribune, Paris, 29 December 2005) Russian arms exporters should get cheap government loans to help finance customer purchases, President Putin told a government panel on military issues on December 27, 2005. China and India are Russia's largest weapons customers. MiG and... more
(Chadian Association for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights, N’Djamena, 9 January 2006) The World Bank suspended all loans... more
(Japan Times, Tokyo, 30 November 2006) Under a plan announced on November 29, 2005, two of Japan's eight government-controlled financial institutions would be privatized, one dissolved and the remaining five consolidated into one new organization. The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (... more
(Sify Finance, Taramani, 17 January 2006) India's state-run National Hydroelectric Power Corporation about to finalise a US$100 million (about Rs 450 crore) concessional loan (3.4-4%) as export credit assistance from Coface of France for its 2,000 MW Subansiri (Lower) power project in Arunachal... more
(Antara News, Jakarta, 19 January 2006) Protests against an Atradius supported sale of Dutch built naval corvettes have sent Indonesian military officials looking for other sellers in Russia, Germany and Italy. See also... more
(Sakhalin Environment Watch, 20 January 2006) (Sakhalin Environment Watch, 28 January 2006) Over 300 people, including the Sakhalin Governor, gathered to close down the Sakhalin II LNG plant on Saturday. They were peacefully protesting the damage caused by the Sakhalin II project on the environment... more
(ECA Watch, Paris, 6 January 2006) The OECD is to review its Recommendation on Common Approaches to the Environment and ECAs in 2006. ECA Watch advocates a broad scope examination of the Common Approaches.
(IHT, Paris, 29 november 2005) Could OECD Secretary General elect José Angel Gurría be the new face for the globalizing economy? OECD admirers call the Paris-based body "the world's greatest think tank." But detractors say the OECD risks irrelevance, lacking the stature of other international... more
(Guardian, London, 20 December 2005) A Guardian investigation has discovered that steel bridges costing more than £400m have been sold to the Philippines by the Mabey family, all secured with UK government-backed loans and grants. But as many as 22% of the crossings, which were supposed to open up... more
(The Corner House, Dorset, 19 December 2005) OECD Export Credit Group Member ECAs seem poised to subsidize new dam construction now with newly authorized subsidies. Nicholas Hildyard addresses... more