Iran ECA Finance Talks Making Headway

(Financial Tribune, Tehran, 19 June 2017) Iran has held negotiations with Italy’s Medibank and SACE export guarantee for €2 billion ($2.24 billion), Exim Bank of China for $30 billion, China Development Bank for $15 billion, Korea Export–Import Bank for $8 billion and Korea Trade Insurance Corporation for $5 billion to receive foreign financing. Other parties involved in finance negotiations with Iran include Japanese Nippon Export and Investment Insurance and the Japanese Ministry of Finance for $10 billion, the Japan International Cooperation Agency for €1.2 billion ($1.34 billion), Russian Ministry of Economic Development for €5 billion ($5.6 billion) and the Norwegian Guarantee Institute for Export Credits for €1 billion ($1.1 billion). Euler Hermes of Germany is also interested in covering investments in Iran. However, a lack of full-fledged banking ties between Iran and Europe is preventing the complete benefits of the German sovereign guarantee to be felt by Iran.