OECD countries reach historic agreement to modernize export credit support
(Trade Finance Global, London, 7 April 2023) A modernisation package agreed in principle by participants will specifically allow countries to offer greater support for green projects while also expanding the use of export credits in the context of an evolving world economy and an increasingly competitive landscape. Within the package of reforms, the Participants agreed to expand the scope of green or climate-friendly projects eligible for longer repayment terms, as permitted under the Climate Change Sector Understanding (CCSU). “The modernisation package agreed by Participants to the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits is a great milestone to help increase the impact of trade and finance flows on securing our climate objectives,” OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann said. “It will allow the scaling up and a better targeting of public and private finance to support climate-friendly investments and help us meet our global net zero emissions objective.” This reform is expected to come into effect later this year, once Participants complete their formal internal decision-making processes and agree to the new Arrangement text. [As noted in the next What's New article, OECD ECAs have a long way to go to brag about reducing the current $1 to $7 ratio of renewable to fossil fuel project support!]