Summary report on Dutch Export Credit Facility Masterclass
(Both Ends, Amsterdam, 5 September 2016) At the end of 2016, the Dutch government will present a policy review of its export credit facility - as implemented by Atradius Dutch State Business (ADSB) - to the national Parliament. In conversations with multiple staff members of parliamentarians, it was concluded that it would be helpful to organise a kind of Masterclass to enable them to better understand the role of the Dutch ECA from different perspectives. Both ENDS invited a range of stakeholders to attend and contribute to this meeting with a goal to inform Dutch parliamentarians and their staff on the functioning of the Dutch export credit facility, and the possibilities to effectively counter and mitigate negative economic, social, environmental and human rights impacts in developing countries linked to ADSB supported exports and investments. At the meeting ADSB, Boskalis, Both ENDS, the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA), MVO (CSR) platform, the Dutch Banking Association, Rabobank, Transparency International and the employers’ organisation VNO-NCW held short presentations and provided input to the discussions. The Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD-Guidelines on MNE’s (NCP) participated as an observer. All participants in the Masterclass concluded that this meeting was very helpful as a preparation for a better informed parliamentary discussion on the policy review that is on the agenda later this year.