Talking Export Credits at the European Commission

June 22, 2005 (Source: ECA Watch) — Today the ECA Watch campaign participant FERN organized a meeting with the EU's Council Working Group on Export Credits in Brussels. Civil society representatives highlighted four key issues. Their presentations are outlined below.
    A. Introduction by FERN [PDF]
Judith Neyer introduced the ECA campaigners and the issues to be discussed.
    B. ECAs and Human Rights [PPT]
Fraser Reilly-King of the Halifax Initiative, Canada, made a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation on why ECAs should be examining the human rights implications of their export credits and insurance, and made suggestions on how they could take better account of human rights.
    C. ECAs and Corruption [PDF]
Dr. Susan Hawley of The Cornerhouse, UK, presented a brief on combatting bribery in export credits, with an agenda for 2005.
    D. ECAs and Transparency [PDF]
Regine Richter of Urgewald, Germany, presented a brief on transparency and how a changing legal and political framework places new obligations on export credit agencies.
    E. ECAs and Renewable Energy - the Question of Guidelines for Hydropower [PPT]
Dr. Ute Collier of WWF-UK made a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation on a role for ECAs in promoting good practice for hydropower. In addition, the IUCN [PDF] and Professor Ted Scudder have made representations to the OECD Working Group on Export Credits concerning dams, the World Commission on Dams and renewable energy subsidies.