UK Export Finance Publishes Their Annual Reports and Accounts

(Manufacturing & Engineeing Magazine, London, 3 August 2017) UK Export Finance, or UKEF, the Government and UK export credit agency has released a report for their transactions of the past year. The published material shows that the Government supported around £458 million of sales overseas for manufacturers. According to the report and figures that have been published, the UKEF provided support to the value of £3 billion for exports from UK manufacturers. The figures show that 79% of the companies that have benefitted from this support over the course of the 2016-17 year were small and medium sized enterprises. The UKEF supported companies by offering finance and insurance which according to the figures released, has allowed 221 companies the opportunity to export their goods to 63 different countries around the world. The most recent OECD cash flow statistics for most OECD ECAs is for 2015 and the OECD breakdown of ECA sectoral activities is a series of very broad stroke graphs covering the entire period from 2005 to 2014.
