Waste incineration and renewable energy incentives

19 Oct. 2005, ECA Watch, Paris: In Room Document 1 at its Oct.3, 2005 consultation, the OECD ECG Secretariat asked "are there any other renewable energies sectors which merit consideration for the special incentives under the Arrangement? In Room Document 7, the Business Industry Advisory Council (BIAC) urges the Participants to allow waste power and waste thermal generation to benefit from the new special terms and conditions for "environmentally friendly projects". However, these are very controversial because of fears of incomplete combustion of wastes and therefore toxic emissions. Indeed the U.S. EPA has prohibited construction of new waste thermal generators for 18 months while it reviews safety standards. For more information on these "technologies" see http://www.enviroliteracy.org/article.php/60.html and http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/Incinerators.htm