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(NewsBlaze, Folsom CA, 8 March 2007) China has terminated its central bank program that allowed a select group of large exporters to take advantage of discounted loans unavailable to many other companies. The United States and several other countries had challenged the program as a prohibited... more
(Pacific Environment, Washington, 29 March 2007) US NGOs have written Export Import Bank President James Lambright urging the Bank to implement provisions in the Export Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2006 which... more
(ECA Watch, Paris, 30 March 2007) At a March 15, 2007 roundtable in Washington DC, the U.S. Export Import Bank briefed more than 70 U.S. exporters on the potential for Nigerian sales, raising the question of whether this constitutes free rider opportunism based on recent debt forgiveness for... more
A. German NGOs criticize approval of export credit guarantee for Turkish Ilisu dam
A. German NGOs criticize approval of... more
A. German NGOs criticize approval of... more
(OECD, Paris 14 March 2007) - At its March 2007 meeting, the OECD Working Group on Bribery reaffirmed its serious concerns about the United Kingdom’s discontinuance of an investigation into the ECGD supported BAE Al Yamamah arms deal, outlining continued shortcomings in UK Anti-Bribery legislation... more
Country: France
Issue: Oil, Gas and Mining
CVRD Inco Goro nickel project faces continuing opposition
By: Lawrence Williams
Posted: '21-FEB-07 09:15' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2006
(Finnvera, Helsinki, 23 Feb. 2007) In November 2006, the International Finance Corporation and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency boards approved a $170 million investment by IFC and a guarantee of up to $350 million from MIGA for the Orion pulp mill project in Uruguay. Finnvera has now... more
ECAs: Finnvera
Issue: Pulp and Paper
(Financial Times, London, 8 Feb. 2007) Gregory Schulte, US ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, has noted the failure of European governments to toughen financial sanctions on Iran over its nuclear programme, drawing attention to European export credit agencies that provide... more
(Korea Herald, Soeul, 15 Feb. 2007) The Korea Export Insurance Corporation has signed Memoranda of Understanding with the Italian Export Credit Agency (SACE) and... more
(ECA Watch) A special meeting of the Export Credit Working Group will be held in Paris on March 22nd and 23rd to continue negotiations of revisions to the Common Approaches on Environment... more
(Eurodad, Brussels, 9 Feb. 2007) NGOs in the G7 countries have released a damning new report which argues that if the G7 is serious about corruption, good governance and transparency, it should apply these principles to illegitimate export credit debts being claimed by Canada, France, Germany,... more
(Pambazuka, South Africa, 16 Feb. 2007) Two prominent leaders of groups being displaced by the Merowe Dam in Sudan, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by dam security personnel on February 10th. The dam, funded by China's Ex-Im Bank... more
(Various ECA Watch sources) The Swiss Government has approved a SFR 115 million (US$94.3 million) project credit for partial financing of the Yusufeli Dam and HydroElectric Power Plant (HEPP) project in Turkey. Meanwhile,... more
(Bloomberg, London, 6 Feb. 2007) -- BP Plc's $3.9 billion Baku-Tbilisi- Ceyhan pipeline, a link that carries oil from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean, needs greater scrutiny to prevent corrosion and leaks, the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corp. (OPIC) said. OPIC has not enforced a... more