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(ECA Watch, Paris, 30 Oct. 2006) OECD ECAs have frequently pointed to lax Chinese export credit standards as a reason to not tighten their own lending criteria in order to remain competitive. Increased attention is being paid to China's external environmental impact as well as to serious... more
(People's Daily Online, 19 October 2006) Indonesia has agreed to purchase 6 submarines and other weapons from Russia following the offer of a US$1 Billion export credit. Russia surpassed the United States in 2005 as... more
(Thanhnien News and INQ7 Networks, 28 & 20 October 2006 respectively) Vietnam Airlines and Philippine Airlines have announced plans to borrow some US$500 Million each to expand their fleets, with financing to come largely from export credit agencies.
(European Parliament, 14 July 2006) Belgian MEP Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), tabled a question in the European Parliament asking whether this company might constitute an illegal subsidy under Article 87(1) of the EC Treaty.... more
(Berne Declaration, Zurich, 9 October 2006) A review of the Yusufeli environmental impact assessment (EIA) prepared for the Berne Declaration and... more
(European Parliament, Strasbourg, 27 September 2006) Paragraph 26 of a just approved... more
(Forbes, Brussels, 24 Oct. 2006) The European Commission confirmed it is launching an in-depth investigation into the guarantee that French government [export credit] insurer Coface has given... more
Issue: Debt, OECD
(ECA Watch, Paris, 29 September 2006) The OECD's Export Credit Group (ECG) agreed in July 2001 to a Statement of Principles designed to discourage the provision of...
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
more Dodgy Deal: Ilisu Dam
Issue: Common Approaches, European Union, Large Dams
Member: FERN
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Human Rights
Member: Corner House
(September 15, 2006) This paper by Nick Hildyard of the Corner House gives recommendations on how to address deficiencies in current ECA policy with regard to consultation and participation and argues that affected communities and indigenous peoples must be recognized as rights...
(Defacto, Yerevan, 22 September 2006) In a move that demonstrates the potential geopolitical impact of ECA financing, the US Senate Banking Committee has added an amendment to the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Bill which would prohibit American involvement in a proposed Caucasus railroad... more
(EDIE, UK, 13 September 2006) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development should not give the controversial Sakhalin oil and gas project its blessing - or its cash - according to the... more
.(Reuters, New York, 22 Septmeber 2006) - Swedish Export Credit Corp. sold $1 billion in five-year global notes on Friday, joint lead manager Barclays Capital said.
(WSJ, Washington, 15 September 2006) - The Wall Street Journal reports that the G7 was to warn China at meetings in Singapore September 23-24 not to overload poor countries in Africa and elsewhere with high-interest trade finance loans. US Treasury Under-secretary for International Affairs Timothy... more