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(Halifax Initiative, Ottawa, 29 May 2006) This preliminary working draft is a revision of an earlier legal discussion paper from ESCR-Net and ECA-Watch. It provides an overview of Export credit agencies, and how ECA-funded activities impact human rights. It explores the international law of state... more
(Halifax Initiative, Ottawa, 24 May 2006) This analysis of the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Sustainability Policy, Performance Standards and Disclosure Policy provides a brief overview of each policy and standard, where it goes beyond the previous safeguard policies, where it falls... more
(Bridges Weekly Trade News, Geneva, 17 May 2006) As the first fortnight of an intensive six-week cycle of agriculture negotiations drew to a close, WTO Members remained divided on how to develop disciplines on a range of policies including export credits. One reference paper on export credits... more
(Observer, London, 21 May 2006) Sakhalin Energy, in which oil giant Shell has a controlling stake is facing allegations that it is misleading potential funders. The company is claiming to comply with environmental standards despite evidence to the contrary. At stake is the trust that potential... more
(Guardian Weekly, London, 4 June 2006) As the US$4 billion BTC - Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan - pipeline comes on stream, critics say it passes too close to volatile breakaway regions in both Georgia and Azerbaijan, making it vulnerable to sabotage that could cause a catastrophic spill. Financial support... more
Complaints about giant paper mills and plantations, many funded by ECAs, are being heard with increasing frequency as the US$430 billion-a-year pulp industry expands.
Issue: Pulp and Paper
ECA Watch has published a handy index of our monthly What's New bulletin covering the issues from August 2005 through April 2006.
(Ilusu Dam Campaign, Oxford, 6 April 2006) Plans for large dams in southeast Turkey including the discredited Ilisu dam project may yet go ahead in spite of adverse impacts on cultural and environmental rights, according to a new report. NGO campaigns to oppose ECA support are gearing up to oppose... more
(Daily News & Analysis, Mumbai, 18 May 2006) OECD ECAs continue to compete by reducing the compliance of large projects with environmental standards, thereby reducing overall project costs.
A May 29, 2006 consultation in Paris brought ECA Watch members, TUAC, BIAC and European banking officials together with delegates of the... more
(ECA Watch, Paris, 15 May 2006) The export credit agencies (ECAs) of the OECD have agreed on improved common measures aimed at avoiding taxpayer support for export contracts that are tainted by bribery.
(International Rivers Network, Berkeley, 28 April 2006) The government of Mozambique announced last Friday, 21 April, that the Export-Import Bank of China (Sinosure) has agreed to back the construction of the proposed Mphanda Nkuwa Dam, worth over US $2 billion. The financial agreement comes at... more
(The Corner House, Dorset, 28 April 2006) The Corner House, Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) and WWF-UK... more
(Finnish News Agency, Helsinki, 28 April 2006) Topi Vesteri, the vice chief executive of Finnvera, the Finnish export credit guarantee body, was quoted as saying in the Friday issue of business daily Kauppalehti that it would have to reappraise its role in the mill being built by pulp maker... more
ECAs: Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación, Finnvera
Issue: Pulp and Paper
(Reuters, Abuja, 26 April 2006) Nigeria agreed to give China four oil drilling licences in exchange for a commitment to invest $4 billion (2.2 billion pounds) in infrastructure in a deal signed by President Hu Jintao. Another agreement set up a $500 million export credit from the Eximbank of China... more