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26 Sept. 2005, Business First, Columbus OH USA: A well known U.S. bicycle manufacturer has been acquired by the China Export & Credit Insurance Corp., also known as Sinosure. When Huffy Corp. emerges from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in October, some 30 percent of the new shares will be... more
2 Oct. 2005, WRI, Washington, The World Resources Institute has challenged OECD based export credit agencies to play a role in meeting the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), and outlines a number of reforms required to both "do no harm" and "do good".
4 Feb. 4 2005, IMF Washington: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) prepared a report on ECAs in a changing world which was cited by the OECD ECG Chair as a background reference for their own Oct.3, 2005 consultation, "highlighting the key challenges facing ECAs, including... facilitating... more
On October 3, 2005, the OECD's Export Credit Group met for the day with representatives of civil society organizations to discuss the work of the Secretariat and of Participants in the Arrangement, and to receive feedback and opinions on issues of concern.... more
30 Sept. 2005, UNICORN, UK: This report presents the UNICORN ECA Anti-bribery Index 2005 which ranks OECD Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) according to their use of anti-bribery measures (actual practice). The aim is to present information that is already publicly available on the anti-corruption... more
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Country: Turkey
A Trojan Horse for large dams is a report prepared for ECA...
more Dodgy Deal: Ilisu Dam
Issue: Common Approaches, Large Dams
Member: Corner House, FERN, Friends of the Earth Japan, Above Ground
The OECD ‘Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises’ are not an adequate instrument for curbing corporate misconduct. This is the stark conclusion of OECD Watch in its report ‘Five Years On: A Review of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and National Contact Points,’ released on Oct... more
AirAsia Bhd said on Sept 5 it has completed the loan mandating process to finance 33 out of 60 Airbus A320-200 aircraft to be purchased from Airbus SAS over the next four years, with a two-year delivery schedule for the 33 aircraft. These loans will be a mixture of Export Credit Agency (ECA) backed... more
Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has, at the behest of government of India, extended a 'line of credit' (LOC) of $15 million to the government of Equatorial Guinea under a Team-9 initiative. Team-9 is aimed at developing a special co-operation model between India and eight countries of West... more
September 14, 2005 (Eurodad, Brussels) Some 57 non-governmental organizations world wide released today a statement challenging world leaders at the UN World Summit on their efforts to finance the Millennium Development Goals. The statement charges that “many governments are falsely inflating their... more
August 31, 2005 (World Resources Institute) A major Washington-based think tank is calling for greater local and democratic control over environmental resources as the most effective means to lift some two billion people out of rural poverty. The report calls for the mandatory adoption by all... more
Sept.5, 2005 (iSNet) The EU and China agreed on a Partnership on Climate Change as one of the major outcomes of the China-EU Summit. The Partnership will strengthen cooperation and dialogue on climate change and energy between the EU and China. These efforts will be strengthened through the... more
Op-ed by Peter Bosshard, International Rivers Network, The International Journal of Hydropower & Dams, Issue 3/2005: Bashing non-governmental organizations has become popular, but the stereotype of rich dogmatic NGOs does not explain... more
August 25, 2005 (China Development Brief) A recent Asian Development Bank research report shows that energy efficiency improvements at existing power plants are a more cost-effective way of increasing supply than building new plants.
August 22, 2005 (Reuters) The SEC is investigating payments made by a construction consortium led by Halliburton Co. to determine whether any Nigerian officials were bribed to win the Bonny Island LNG contract which received extensive support from Ex-Im Bank, ECGD and other European ECAs