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.(The Standard, Hong Kong, 25 July 2008) Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen has expressed deep concern over the scandal surrounding former Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation commissioner Cheung Kam-kay. Cheung has been accused of using public money for "personal entertainment''
(Halifax Initiative, Ottawa, 30 June 2008) The Halifax Initiative submission, focuses on the environmental, social and human rights standards utilized by EDC when it assesses client proposals. It also examines the legislative provisions governing disclosure by the Crown corporation. The Halifax... more
(Sudan Tribune, Khartoum, 30 July 2008) Villagers complained Tuesday that a massive Chinese-engineered hydropower dam financed by the China Export Import Bank had deliberately flooded seven small villages and left 200 families homeless. Representatives of an executive committee that represents 25... more
(UK House of Commons, London, 8 July 2008) In response to an initiative by the WWF, the UK ECA ECGD has agreed to publish the greenhouse gas emissions from its Category A and B projects, subject to various thresholds... more
(Who Owes Who?, Barcelona, 28 July 2008) Spanish NGOs have expessed concern that new legislation governing Spanish ECA CESCE and external debt management favours Spanish companies over the interests of HIPC countries.
(The Corner House, Dorset, 30 July 2008) The law lords have ruled that the Director of the Serious Fraud Office acted legally in terminating the SFO's investigation into alleged corruption by BAE Systems in its dealings in Saudi Arabia. The SFO's decision followed lobbying by BAE and threats from... more
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
ECAs: Euler Hermes Deutschland AG
Issue: Aircraft, Climate Change, Oil, Gas and Mining
Member: FERN, urgewald
(June 4, 2008) While the threat of climate change and the urgent need for action become ever clearer, air transport and other polluting industries are expanding on a massive scale. Supposed green pioneers such as Germany are supporting the trade with public money it hands out through its...
(The Corner House, Dorset, 11 June 2008) The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has appealed against the High Court's judgment that it acted unlawfully in terminating a corruption investigation into arms deals between BAE Systems and Saudi Arabia. The appeal will take place at the House of Lords on Monday... more
(ECA Watch, 30 June 2008) Recent fraud investigations and convictions in ECA cases raise questions about the committment of OECD export credit agencies to due diligence in their monitoring of compliance with their own anti-bribery standards.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) US Ex-Im, Kexim and SACE, as well as a commercial bank consortium of Société Générale, BBVA, Calyon, Sumitomo, ING, Mizuho, and Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, are providing loans of some $2.25 billion for... more
On May 30, 2008, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), agreed to investigate a compliance review request and a problem solving request presented by the Ayllu Machaca People over the San Bartolome Mining project in Potosí, Bolivia.
(Friends of the Earth Japan, Tokyo, 16 June 2008) Environmental organizations today condemned the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and four private banks' June 16 decision to provide approximately 5.3 billion dollars in financing for the problematic Sakhalin II oil and gas project in... more
The approval of the egregiously flawed Sakhalin and Ilisu projects by OECD export credit agencies appear to be the final nails in the coffin of any credible effort to enforce the OECD's Common Approaches on the Environment and Offical Export Credits.
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Climate Change, Oil, Gas and Mining, Pulp and Paper
Member: FERN