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(Business Credit Management, Southampton, 27 February 2008) ECGD, the UK's official export credit agency, has signed an agreement to co-operate more widely with its Chinese counterpart, Sinosure, enabling co-operation on specific projects where export credit facilities are provided to support... more
(Stop Ilisu, Vienna, January 2008) A new Ilisu Dam campaign website has been opened to focus attention on this controversial project supported by export credit agencies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Construction of the dam has not yet started, although forced resettlement with inadequate... more
(Marketwire, Perth, 13 February 2008) Paladin Energy has announced that bank approval and export credit from the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECIC) of South Africa have been obtained for the Kayelekera Uranium Project in Malawi.... more
(Earthtimes, Washington, 20 February 2008) Zurich, a leader in political risk and trade credit insurance in emerging markets, has announced it will provide political risk insurance for carbon credit projects. However,... more
(Dow Jones, Berlin, 22 February 2008) Germany has made it easier for German companies to apply for public export credit guarantees by including local costs and foreign delivery. The new rules extend the coverage for equipment and services obtained in ordering countries, as well as supply from... more
(OECD, Paris, 16 January 2008) Official export credits to public and publicly guaranteed buyers in low income countries should reflect Sustainable Lending practices, i.e. lending which doesn't endanger LDC financial futures and long-term development prospects. ECG Members have agreed to apply... more
(The Corner House, Dorset, 18 February 2008) On 14-15 February 2008, two UK High Court judges heard arguments in a judicial review requested by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) and The Corner House, who argue that the decision to drop the BAE corruption investigation into UK export credit... more
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Climate Change, European Union, Transparency
Member: FERN
(January 25 2008) This new report explains how the Aarhus Convention...
(DebtWatch, Barcelona, January 2008) A new Debtwatch book outlines public mechanisms for the support of Spanish companies. "¿Debe el Estado ayudar a las transnacionales españolas? Impactos ambientales y sociales del apoyo pùblico a la... more
With complex roots going back 20 years or more, the current unrest in Chad is linked in part to oil revenues from an OECD export credit agency supported pipeline project that has created economic, environmental and social conflicts which could have been avoided if proper standards had been... more
(Thomson Financial, MILAN, 8 Jan. 2008) The Italian economy ministry said it has appointed Lehman Brothers as its advisor to assess strategic options to boost the value of SACE, the state-owned export credit insurance company. SACE could open up its capital to investors either through a stock... more
(eGov Monitor, London 14 January 2008) UK Minister of State for Energy Malcolm Wicks today announced the appointment of a new interim chairman of the Export Guarantees Advisory Council (EGAC). Professor Jonathan Kydd, a development economist and Dean of the University of London's External System,... more
(AllAfrica News, 23 Jan. 2008) During his recent visit to China, World Bank President Robert Zoellick restated the Bank's interest in teaming up with the Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim), the country's official export credit agency on financing development projects in Africa. The... more
(Jakarta Post, Jakarta, 31 January 2008) As thousands of its workers were staging a rally opposing a restructuring plan, state electricity firm PT PLN signed Wednesday a loan agreement worth US$615 million with China Exim Bank to finance the construction of two power plants in Java. The loans will... more
(Moscow Times, London, 4 February 2008) Britain has yet to reach a decision on a $1 billion loan for the Sakhalin-2 oil and natural gas development after four years of deliberating, an official said Friday. Britain's Export Credit Guarantee Department has not decided whether the project meets its... more