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(Environmental Finance, London, 18 October 2007) The UK government has come under attack for failing to ensure that its export credit agency performs tough enough environmental and social checks on the projects it subsidises.
(IHT, Geneva, 25 October 2007) The German Economics Ministry has been scaling back export credit guarantees for trade with Iran, with which Berlin traditionally has had good trade ties. The guarantees totaled US$1.2 billion in 2006, down from US$3.3 billion in 2004, but German companies continued... more
(ECD, Ottawa, 27 October 2007) Export Development Canada (EDC) has become a signatory to the Equator Principles, an international financial industry benchmark for assessing and managing social and environmental risk in... more
(Forbes, Beijing, 18 October 2007) - The Chinese government, led by the central bank, is in the process of drafting a plan to restructure the Import-Export Bank of China (Exim Bank), one of the country's three policy banks, into a into a commercial institution, said the official Xinhua news agency... more
(Amis de la Terre France, Paris, 27 October 2007) The guarantees approved this summer by the ECAs of Switzerland, Germany and Austria for another very controversial Turkish dam, Illisu, have created pressures from Turkey to lower the standards for the Yusufeli dam project, and also the standards of... more
(WEED, Berlin, 23 October 2007) The European Ilisu campaign has learned during a site visit, that without the knowledge of responsible authorities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the... more
ECA Watch members have submitted a paper to the OECD outlining a number of concerns which undermine the credibility of the OECD with respect to inconsistencies and weak monitoring and implementation of OECD export credit policies concerning environmental and social standards, bribery, unproductive... more
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
(September 28, 2007) A submission prepared in cooperation with members of the Ilisu Dam Campaign as a response to conditions published by financing export credit agencies. The report demonstrates that the project approval process for the Ilisu Dam was in breach of World Bank...
more Dodgy Deal: Ilisu Dam
Issue: Large Dams
Member: Both ENDS, Corner House, FERN
(Guardian, London, 21 September 2007) British ministers are refusing to cooperate with the US criminal investigation into allegations of corruption against BAE, Britain's biggest arms company. In June 2006,... more
(EarthTimes, Washington, 21 September 2007) U.S. renewable energy companies and other producers of environmentally beneficial goods and services can learn more about export opportunities and financing solutions at an environmental exporters conference being sponsored by the Export-Import Bank of... more
(BNAmericas, Santiago, 24 September 2007) The Brazilian unit of French credit insurer Coface will soon hold 75% of local export credit insurer Seguradora Brasileira de Credito a Exportacao (SBCE), upping its stake from 27.5%. The Government of Brazil holds a 24.2% share in SBCE.
(US Ex-Im Bank, Washington, 27 September 2007). As required by the Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2006, Ex-Im has written Congressional committees to note that "In fiscal year 2005, Ex-Im did not finance any dual-use export projects". "According to Ex-Im officials, dual-use items were... more
The husband of the Philippine president and others have been named in a Senate inquiry into alleged kickbacks tied to a ZTE contract with the Manila government. ZTE's project would be financed at favorable interest rates by The Export-Import Bank of China, although a final contract has yet to be... more
(IHT, Darmstadt, 20 September 2007) Germany's Economics Ministry has scaled back the export credit guarantees it issues for trade with Iran from $3.3 billion in 2004 to $1.2 billion last year. But German companies still exported $5.7 billion worth of goods to Iran in 2006, up from $5 billion in... more
(IRN, Berkeley, 19 September 2007) China Exim Bank adopted an environmental policy in November 2004, and released it to the public in April 2007. Environmental Defense and International Rivers Network, in cooperation with The Corner House (UK), the international ECA Watch network, Friends of the... more