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(International Herald Tribune, Paris, 15 March 2006) While World Bank and ECA officials insist that environmental standards will be met and that promised alternative jobs and home relocations are in place before the dam is closed, NGOs believe that electricity sales revenues for the Bank, ECAs and... more
(The Cornerhouse, Dorset UK, March 2006) ECA Watch presents a table comparing a number of positions and recommendations on anti-bribery policies for export credit agencies: 1) the 2000 OECD Action Statement on Bribery; 2) the 2003 OECD ECG paper on Best Practices; 3) the November 2005 OECD ECG... more
(ECGD, London, 16 March 2006) The Final UK Government response to the public consultation on ECGD's anti-bribery and corruption procedures and associated documents can be found on the ECGD web site. Corner House, the UK NGO... more
Briefings & reports from ECA watch members
Issue: Corruption, OECD
Member: Corner House
(CEDHA, Argentina, 23 Jan. 2006) Nearly 40 000 Argentine citizens have petitioned the Inter American Commission on Human Rights, alleging that the Uruguayan government has allowed serious breaches of human rights caused by two pulp mills. The largest of the mills is sponsored by three Finnish pulp... more
Country: Argentina, Uruguay
ECAs: Finnvera
Issue: Human Rights, Pulp and Paper
(Dow Jones Newswires, 10 Feb. 2006 ) - Several new warnings have come out about Shell's Sakhalin II project's threat to the environment. Among the new information revealed is that a shipping vessel (from the same company that gave Sakhalin the Cristoforo Colombo oil spill accident) had a collision... more
(Both Ends, Amsterdam, 14 Feb. 2006) A comparison of the data for 2004 and 2005 shows that last year Atradius' business has been extremely good: they underwrote 43 projects in 2004, it provided an export credit insurance for 75 projects in 2005: an increase of 174%.
(Both Ends, Amsterdam, 31 Jan. 2006) Dutch NGO Both ENDS has been informed by the Dutch Export Credit Agency (ECA) Atradius-DSB that it decided not to approve the application for an export credit insurance for the financing of the Setusamudram Shipping Channel Project.
(WEED, Berlin, The scandalous Ilisu dam project in Turkey is coming to a crucial stage. At the end of 2005, an updated environmental impact assessment and resettlement action plan were published by the consortium and applications for export credit insurance were filed in Austria, Switzerland and... more
(Germanwatch, Berlin, 3 Feb. 2006) Following a key legal challenge to the secrecy of the German Economics Ministry, the climate change impacts of German export credits will soon have to be disclosed. The legal challenge was brought by campaign groups Germanwatch and BUND/Friends of the Earth,... more
(Turkish Daily News, Istanbul, 4 Feb. 2006) Türk Eximbank aims to provide loans and guarantees to Turkey's export sector this year totaling near $8.6 billion, said Trade Minister Kürþad Tüzmen in Ankara yesterday.
(Reuters, Oslo/Helsinki, 6 Feb. 2006) Norwegian shipbuilder Aker Yards has won the biggest ever commercial ship order, clinching a 900 million euros ($1.1 billion) order from U.S.-Norwegian Royal Caribbean Cruises for a huge new cruise ship to be built in Aker's Turku yard in Finland. The deal... more
ECAs: Finnvera
(JCN Newswire, Tokyo, 8 Feb. 2006) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. has received a full-turnkey order from Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), headquartered in Mexico City, for the construction of a supercritical-pressure coal-fired power plant. Mitsubishi will build the generator, and Techint... more
(ECA Watch, Paris, 23 Feb. 2006) The OECD's working group on ECAs is due to meet March 2-3 to take up negotiations on an enhanced Action Statement on Bribery and ECAs. As noted in our November 2005 What'... more
External reports and publications
ECAs: Finnvera
Issue: Pulp and Paper
(23 Jan 2006) Briefing note from...