About Us
ECA Watch is a network of non-governmental organizations and bodies campaigning for ECA reform. Organizations participating in the campaign include bodies working on issues related to the environment, development, human rights, community rights, labor rights, and anti-corruption.
Since 1996, NGOs from many countries have joined forces in an international campaign to reform ECAs. The goals and demands of the campaign are best described in the Jakarta Declaration for Reform of Official Export Credit and Investment Insurance Agencies, endorsed by over 300 NGOs following a May 2000 international ECA reform strategy session in Jakarta, Indonesia. While focusing on the impacts of ECAs in Indonesia, the Jakarta Declaration has a global "call for reform" that includes:
- Transparency, public access to information and consultation by ECAs and the OECD ECA Working Party;
- Binding common environmental and social guidelines and standards that are no lower and less rigorous than existing international procedures and standards for public international finance such as those of the World Bank Group and OECD Development Assistance Committee;
- The adoption of explicit human rights criteria guiding the operations of ECAs;
- The adoption of binding criteria and guidelines to end ECA abetting of corruption;
- The adoption of a commitment only to finance economically productive investments;
- The adoption of comprehensive relief for developing countries for ECA debt.